For about the first 2 weeks of November, while we were in Front Royal, VA, we were in the midst of trying to make a “major decision”. Our truck developed serious internal issues and so we began to look for a new vehicle. Then we discovered a “truck and trailer” package (that had just been traded in only days before). After much prayer, much discussion and much counsel, we traded in our truck and trailer, added some money we had been saving for such a purpose and purchased a 2006 Dodge 1 ton, diesel, dual wheel, dual cab truck and a 2008 Bristol Bay (Sunny Brook) 36 ft. fifth-wheel trailer. We are still stunned by how all of this happened but we rest assured in God’s provision. This is our only home – so we will have a place to live while ministering in Lorain, OH and also while we continue on deputation and continue to assist churches in reaching Hispanics.