We are looking forward to greeting our first grandchild, Sophia Grace Taylor in May!
We are looking forward to greeting our first grandchild, Sophia Grace Taylor in May!
On November 3, 2018, Wanda spoke at a Hispanic Ladies’ Tea in Denver, CO. It was especially meaningful as Wanda’s mother, Roberta Ault, and sister, Elizabeth Conable, were able to also attend this special ministry event.
In September 2018 we celebrated our son, Benjamin’s 30th birthday and Herb’s Mom’s 90th birthday. We rejoice in the years we’ve been able to have them both!!
Our son and daughter-in-law moved to Chesapeake, VA in March. It was our joy to help them move and get settled in to their new place as they continue to pursue their careers working for Chick-fil-A.
We treasure each time we can celebrate the birth of our Savior. Spending time together as a family (with Herb’s parents and our son and daughter-in-law) makes that time even sweeter.
Our son, Ben and his wife, Kayla, moved to Louisville, KY on June 10. Though we miss having them near us, we know that they are seeking to pursue God’s will for their lives and that’s a blessing to us! They are working for Chick-Fil-A and are hoping to someday operate their own CFA store somewhere in the U.S. We are waiting on the Lord to show the way!
These two are really quite alike in many ways. It’s a blessing to see our son seeking to walk in the steps of his earthly father as well as his heavenly Father!
Our son, Ben, and his wife, Kayla, were able to stop by for just a few hours the weekend of Resurrection Day! They are in a transition time – seeking to get into the Leadership Development Program with Chick-Fil-A. As they go through this several month process, they are busy consulting several Chick-Fil-A restaurants around the country. We are proud of them and eager to see how the Lord will direct their steps!