The “last breakfast” together before Ben and Kayla moved to Springfield, IL on January 7. We so love these two and are praying for God’s continued blessing on their lives!!
The “last breakfast” together before Ben and Kayla moved to Springfield, IL on January 7. We so love these two and are praying for God’s continued blessing on their lives!!
On Christmas Day we enjoyed time worshipping together here in Greenville, SC with our son, Benjamin and our daughter-in-law, Kayla. This was especially meaningful as just two weeks after Christmas, Ben and Kayla headed to Springfield, IL where they will be consulting at a Chick-Fil-A for about two months. We will miss them!
On Thanksgiving Day we were able to enjoy time with Herb’s parents and our son, Benjamin, and his wife, Kayla. We treasure each time we can be together. Counting our blessings!
We treasure anytime we are able to be together as a family!
I am so grateful that our son and daughter-in-law live nearby us here in Greenville, SC. They are such a blessing to us! This is a photo of our time together on Mother’s Day 2016.
We are so blessed that we have been married for over 30 years. In June of 2016 we will celebrate 31 years together. We praise the Lord for the privilege to serve HIM together!
We rejoice that we are able to have three generations of Taylors often together here in South Carolina. Here we all are on Thanksgiving Day 2015. We’re counting our blessings!
This was taken this past Christmas Day as Herb’s parents and our son and daughter-in-law spent the day with us. We are so grateful to be able to spend time together like this. What a special treasure!