Often our times of ministry are around a meal – times to listen, share, encourage and pray together with our ministry partners.
Often our times of ministry are around a meal – times to listen, share, encourage and pray together with our ministry partners.
It is such a joy for us to seek to encourage our BCP Hispanic missionaries – our partners in the ministry. Miguel and Ana Quintana faithfully serve in ministry in Seminole, FL.
Our BCP Missionaries Miguel and Ana Quintana participated in our NCHO (National Conference on Hispanic Outreach) Hispanic Think Tank on October 6 in Greenville, SC. This was a special day of encouraging and equipping Hispanic ministry leaders.
On October 6, 2017 over 40 Hispanic ministry leaders, 12 different displayers and a number of lay people gathered at Morningside Baptist Church in Greenville, SC to discuss the need of “Leadership: A Faith that Defines, Equips, Expands, Lasts and Warns.”
We livestreamed each session and you can view them here: https://www.nchothinktank.com.
HOW THIS STARTED: After seeing the need for us as ministry leaders (both English and Spanish-speaking) to coordinate efforts in reaching Hispanics for Christ here in the U.S., we held our first “Hispanic Think Tank” in 2014. We eventually expanded the name to NCHO, the National Conference on Hispanic Outreach: a Hispanic Think Tank. This year we added the NCHO website at www.nchothinktank.com. We desire to network ideas, resources, personnel, and encouragement.
We often post these so our partners and ourselves are reminded of our goals:
1) PLANTING – We seek to assist our BCP Hispanic missionaries to plant bilingual Baptist ministries here in the U.S.
2) PARTNERING – We want to encourage established English-speaking churches to reach their Hispanic community right around them.
3) PREPARING – We want to provide materials and opportunities for Hispanic ministry leaders to be encouraged and equipped in the ministry.
We recently spoke in several college classes. Wanda shared about “Media in Ministry” in a Cinema Majors class, challenging the young people to use their “techy abilities” in the Lord’s work!
We have been learning how to use our livestream equipment. Here we are practicing with the equipment as we prepared for live streaming the sessions of our Hispanic Think Tank in Greenville, SC.