One of our goals is to “Partner with Established Churches” to encourage them to reach the Hispanics right around them. Here we were able to minister at a church in Middletown, PA – one we have known well and loved over the years.
One of our goals is to “Partner with Established Churches” to encourage them to reach the Hispanics right around them. Here we were able to minister at a church in Middletown, PA – one we have known well and loved over the years.
Since we live less than a mile from Bob Jones University we try to have college students in our home often. It’s a mixture of students we know from around the country and anyone else they can bring along for a special time together! This photo represents students from Texas, New Hampshire, Ohio, California and the country of Colombia.
Wanda taught on the book of Titus at a ladies’ conference at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Camden, ME in September. Together they studied the book of Titus and Wanda also shared with them some simple Bible study questions they can use in their continued study of God’s Word. Her Bible study ideas are available on this website at http://herbandwanda.com/our-resources-3.
Twice a year we meet at the home office of our mission agency, Baptist Church Planters, in Grafton, OH where we share about what is happening in our Hispanic ministries with the BCP Council members. It is a joy to work with these committed ministry team members.
It was a joy to use our newly purchased livestream equipment to livestream some of the sessions with the BCP Council meetings in September.
We were thrilled that 169 attendees participated in the Iowa Hispanic Retreat in August. This special weekend retreat provides special physical and spiritual refreshment in the midst of the beautiful creation at the Iowa Regular Baptist Camp in Clear Lake, IA. It is our joy to help lead this retreat every year. This year due to scheduling challenges, Wanda helped lead the retreat while Herb was serving in ministry in California.
We are so thankful for those who graciously gave toward our Livestream Ministry Project. We were able to purchase a Canon XA30 professional camcorder, a Teradek encoder, and a wireless microphone to help us be able to livestream / record video in our various ministry opportunities. We are so grateful for this special provision!
It is our prayer that we can encourage our BCP missionaries. Coming alongside them and being a friend, listener and encourager is crucial in these challenging ministry days. Our prayers are with Orlando and Debbie Collazo who are presently serving in Lorain, OH.