We recently met Kathy Hernandez and we realized we had several ministry connections! Years ago her husband, Valente Hernandez, started a ministry called OreMex, which later became OreMundo. In 2006 our son, Benjamin, went on a mission trip to Mexico with OreMundo. He returned saying, “We all need to go next year!” So, in 2007 our family and Kendra Settle (from our church in Virginia) went to Mexico on a mission trip with OreMundo. Because of that trip, the Lord opened our eyes to the Hispanics that were right in our “own mission field” in Virginia and we began to reach out to them. Since we wanted to better know how to reach Hispanics, Herb researched and found Baptist Church Planters and contacted their Hispanic Coordinator, David Whitcher. Over the next few years, David Whitcher came to our ministry in Front Royal, VA to encourage all of us at Skyline Baptist Church to lovingly reach out to the Hispanic community. As a result, the Lord began to burden our hearts for Hispanic ministries and in January 2010 we began serving with Baptist Church Planters and now we lead the BCP Hispanic Ministries. All of that to say, isn’t it amazing how the Lord can use the ministry of one person to touch another and another and another and HIS work goes on? AMAZING TO SERVE HIM!!!