In March we shared with the council about the blessings and challenges of the BCP Hispanic Ministries. How good it is to reflect on what God is doing in the midst of this ministry!
In March we shared with the council about the blessings and challenges of the BCP Hispanic Ministries. How good it is to reflect on what God is doing in the midst of this ministry!
One of our purposes with the Hispanic Think Tank is to help those in Hispanic ministries to connect with one another. This can provide encouragement, ideas and ministry cooperation as together we help one another in reaching Hispanics for Christ here in the U.S.
On February 10, 2017 the Hispanic Think Tank was held for the first time in the west as we met in Chandler, AZ for a day of ministry encouragement and equipping.
It’s so hard to believe but it’s been 7 years since we started in this ministry of “Reaching Hispanics: Our Neighbors” with Baptist Church Planters. We attended candidate school in September 2009 and officially began serving full-time in this ministry in January of 2010. We are so grateful for the privilege to serve HIM in this way!
Something that I (Wanda) love to do is to spiritually mentor and encourage young ladies. These two young ladies, students who attend Bob Jones University, are special blessings and we look forward to seeing how the Lord uses their Spanish, their ministry desires and their faithful hearts for the Lord in the future!
What a privilege it is to serve the Lord together with our Hispanic team members from coast to coast. Here we are with our friends and co-workers, Miguel and Ana Quintana who serve in a Spanish church plant in Seminole, FL. These are special servants of the Lord that we so appreciate!
We are grateful for these men who have become a team in preparing for the Hispanic Think Tank. A team of six men (two were unable to attend) have worked together to determine the purpose, theme, schedule, speakers, etc. for the past two Hispanic Think Tanks held in 2015 and 2016. Now they are planning to hold one on February 10 in Phoenix, AZ!
Wanda spoke to the ladies at the Hispanic Think Tank in October 2016. She sought to share her passion for studying and teaching the Word of God correctly, no matter what language is used. Here she used Spanish! :)