Here is one of our new BCP displays. We can use this on our display table as we present the ministries of Baptist Church Planters.
Here is one of our new BCP displays. We can use this on our display table as we present the ministries of Baptist Church Planters.
What a joy it is for Wanda to teach four 13 year old girls at Iglesia Bautista Calvario (Greer, SC) when we are home from our ministry travels. These girls faithfully attend, listen, ask questions and learn each Sunday. We count it a privilege to minister in this bilingual ministry.
Resources in Spanish and English are crucial for Hispanic ministries today. Here we are preparing more of our Deacon Training Manuals (in Spanish). The same material is also available in English and both can be purchased at http://www.bcpusa.org/.
Over 40 leaders from mission agencies, colleges, churches and other ministries joined together on October 24, 2014 in Greenville, SC to discuss ways we can work together to reach Hispanic for Christ here in the states. Out of this we hope to coordinate efforts concerning resources, ideas, personnel, etc. with one another.
In October 2014 we led a Hispanic Think Tank in Greenville, SC. The purpose of the meeting was to gather leaders from several mission agencies, colleges and ministries to discuss ways we can better work together in reaching Hispanics for Christ here in the U.S. Over 40 leaders attended this event on October 24.
Wanda’s Mom, Roberta Ault, visited with us in October and during her visit she assisted us with our preparations for the missions conference at Bob Jones University. We prepared chips and salsa to give out to those who stopped by our table and talked with us about Hispanic ministries.
Each year we spend some time on several college campuses seeking to encourage young people to join us in this great work of reaching Hispanics here in the U.S. There’s a huge need for fellow laborers!
In October, Wanda spoke at a ladies’ meeting in Hendersonville, NC, something that she loves to do but it can be a little more challenging when having to speak in both English and Spanish.