Pastor and Mrs. Fernando Gonzalez who serve in Waterloo, IA, are here enjoying the special time of physical and spiritual refreshment during the Hispanic retreat in September.
Pastor and Mrs. Fernando Gonzalez who serve in Waterloo, IA, are here enjoying the special time of physical and spiritual refreshment during the Hispanic retreat in September.
In September, the Hispanic retreat was held once again at the Iowa Regular Baptist Camp in Ventura, IA. God’s Word was faithfully taught by Brother Bruce Burkholder (director of Editorial Bautista Independiente) and great fellowship was enjoyed by the 120 who attended the weekend ministry.
Please pray for Carlos and Issa Vasquez, BCP missionaries in Hayward, CA. At this time, Issa is battling cancer. They spent several weeks in Mexico during December receiving cancer treatments and will return the first week of March for further treatment.
In September, Herb taught several sessions on the “Anatomy of the Church” (in English and Spanish) with the ministry in Hayward, CA. We want to do all we can to encourage our Hispanic ministries and missionaries all across the U.S.
In September Herb ministered with Carlos Vasquez (one of our missionaries with Baptist Church Planters) in Hayward, CA. Here Herb and Carlos are meeting with the men of the church.
We rejoice to see God write the story in so many lives. These believers were recently baptized at one of our BCP Hispanic church plants in Hayward, CA. God brought Carlos and Issa Vasquez (our BCP church planters) from El Salvador to lead this church plant in CA and brought this couple (in the photo above) all the way from Cuba to hear the gospel and be saved. We rejoice in HIS work! (They were baptized in a blow-up swimming pool set outside in the parking lot of the church plant. It worked!)
We are excited to have Steve Little as the new president of Baptist Church Planters. The Lord blessed the ministry of his brother, Dave Little, as the president of BCP and now we look forward to seeing how the Lord will use Steve in continuing the ministry.
In August, Dave Little retired as our president of Baptist Church Planters and now he will continue in church consulting with BCP and will also serve as an assistant pastor at First Baptist Church in Elyria, OH. Dave was instrumental in encouraging us to come and serve in Hispanic ministries with Baptist Church Planters. We so appreciate these two very special people.