Part of the Team

Published on 09/24/14
Part of the Team

Here is a photo taken of our Regional Field Directors at our August Council meeting at Baptist Church Planters in Grafton, OH. Herb is the Hispanic Coordinator and Regional Field Director for the BCP Hispanic ministries in the U.S.

Backyard Evening Service

Published on 08/09/14
Backyard Evening Service

On Sunday evening, August 3, we had the bilingual evening service of Iglesia Bautista Calvario of Greer, SC in our own backyard. We enjoyed a time of singing some of our VBS songs, some testimonies, a message and then some refreshments too. We so enjoyed having the church family join us for this special time.

Baking Day

Published on 08/09/14
Baking Day

While here in Greenville, SC, in addition to our ministry responsibilities with Baptist Church Planters, we also try to assist in the ministry at Iglesia Bautista Calvario in Greer, SC. Sometimes that involves spending time with the young people of our church. Here Wanda and four young teen girls had a baking day in our home. It was a great opportunity to teach baking skills but also have some spiritual discussions, plan for an upcoming Bible class for the girls and just get to know each girl better. It’s all ministry!

Anyone want a cherry off the cherry tree?

Published on 08/09/14
Anyone want a cherry off the cherry tree

During VBS at Iglesia Bautista Calvario in Greer, SC in July, we taught the lesson, the daily verse, the missionary story and led the games. Here Wanda is teaching the daily verse. When students could recite it for her, they could come get a “cherry” (lifesaver) off the “cherry” tree that you see in the background. It was just a simple way to encourage the students to hide God’s Word in their hearts.

Prepared to Invite

Published on 08/09/14
Prepared to Invite

We canvassed the area around Iglesia Bautista Calvario in Greer, SC to invite young people to Vacation Bible School in July. Here are some of our eager helpers ready to canvass! We enjoy assisting this Spanish church plant when we are home here in Greenville.

Traveling with Jesus

Published on 08/09/14
Traveling with Jesus

In July we led Vacation Bible School at Iglesia Bautista Calvario in Greer, SC. We rejoice that the Lord brought a total of 57 children throughout the week. The gospel was clearly presented several times, several new families were contacted and we are praying that spiritual fruit will come from these efforts.

Coordinating Efforts

Published on 08/09/14
Coordinating Efforts

For several years, we have been burdened to coordinate ministry efforts with several other likeminded mission agencies in order to more effectively reach Hispanics here in the United States. It’s taken some time to build relationships and to prepare the way, but we are planning on Friday, October 24 to meet in Greenville, SC with a number of ministry leaders and brainstorm on ways we can team up in our ministry efforts.

Our Companions in Ministry

Published on 08/09/14
Our Companions in Ministry

In June we sought to encourage and strengthen Carlos and Issa Vasquez and their ministry in Hayward, CA. We spent hours talking, sharing ideas, encouraging and praying together. Special prayer is needed for Issa as she is presently battling neck cancer.