Dentistry and Ministry

Published on 08/09/14
Dentistry and Ministry

Carlos Vasquez, a BCP church planter and a dental assistant, faithfully leads Iglesia Biblica la Roca (Bautista Independiente) in Hayward, CA. Just last fall they were able to begin meeting in a small rented building. After meeting for about 3 years in the garage of a member’s home, this building is a real blessing. But already, there are signs of growing out of space. Please pray for this growing ministry.

Many Miles of Ministry

Published on 05/20/14
Many Miles of Ministry

Though we have a home in Greenville, SC we are often on the road in ministry. Our ministry miles can include speaking in English-speaking churches about the need of reaching Hispanics, recruiting for Hispanic ministries, visiting and encouraging all of our Hispanic missionaries, organizing summit and conferences for Hispanic pastors and families and the list goes on. We will soon be in California for a 10 day ministry trip. We would appreciate your prayers for safety and wisdom as we serve in these ways!

Prayer for our College Students

Published on 05/10/14
Prayer for our College Students

On Sunday, May 4 we had a special time of prayer for the college students who have attended Iglesia Bautista Calvario in Greer, SC this year. We assist at Calvario when we are not traveling in our ministry and we have been thrilled to have these students join us in ministry as well. Our love and prayers go with them for the summer and we look forward to seeing them when they return in the fall.

The Biblical Mandate

Published on 04/12/14
The Biblical Mandate

We find that it is so crucial for us to challenge English-speaking churches to consider the “Biblical Mandate” when discussing the need of reaching Hispanics for Christ. It is vitally important that we see Hispanics through the eyes of Scripture and NOT politics or the media. Here Herb is presenting the need to First Baptist Church of Enfield, CT.

Hispanic Members attend the Leadership Summit

Published on 04/12/14
Hispanic Members attend the Leadership Summit

On March 19-21, 2014 BCP (Baptist Church Planters) held a Leadership Summit for all of our BCP Missionaries. Here is a group photo of some of those participating in Hispanic Ministries with BCP. What a thrill to have these eager servants helping in this crucial ministry in the U.S.

New President

Published on 04/12/14
New President

Stephen Little has accepted the call to become the new president of Baptist Church Planters effective August 2014. We look forward to what the Lord will continue to do through the ministry of Baptist Church Planters.

Faithful Leadership

Published on 04/12/14
Faithful Leadership

We are so grateful for the faithful leadership of Dr. David Little, president of our mission agency, Baptist Church Planters. He has been a great example and leader to follow and we praise the Lord for the tremendous blessing he has been to many and to us especially. His brother, Stephen Little, accepted the call of the BCP Council to become the new BCP president, effective in August 2014.

Church Directory

Published on 03/10/14
Church Directory

We are working on preparing a church directory for Iglesia Bautista Calvario in Greer, SC. Here’s our photo for the directory (taken in the church auditorium, which is a metal building.