Teaching the Adult Class at Calvario

Published on 03/10/14
Teaching the Adult Class at Calvario

For about 5 weeks Herb taught the Adult Sunday School class at Iglesia Bautista Calvario in Greer, SC. He taught in both languages, Spanish and English, as there are a few who need some English. The Spanish-speakers appreciate hearing the English too – it gives them practice!

Our Ministry Partners

Published on 01/21/14
Our Ministry Partners

We are so grateful for our ministry partners – their financial and prayer support are real treasures! This past Sunday night we reported to one of our supporting churches, Grace Fellowship Baptist Church in Port St. Lucie, FL. These folks are dear to our hearts and we are honored to have them on our ministry team!

Serving in Seminole, FL

Published on 01/21/14
Serving in Seminole FL

This month we are serving at Iglesia Bautista Hispana in Seminole, FL while our church planters, Miguel and Ana Quintana are visiting in Columbia, South America. It is our joy to minister to the church family each Friday and Sunday and care for any needs of the church family.

Assisting a Spanish Church

Published on 12/30/13
Assisting a Spanish Church

When we are not traveling in our ministry around the country, we are seeking to assist Iglesia Bautista Calvario in Greer, SC. This church meets in a former martial arts building and we are excited to see what the Lord is doing in the ministry here. This past Sunday, December 29, Herb preached while Pastor Esteban Torres and his family are visiting family in Uruguay.

Praying for a Brother

Published on 12/30/13
Praying for a Brother

On Sunday, December 22 the men of Iglesia Bautista Calvario in Greer, SC gathered around a brother of the church to offer special prayer for his physical needs.

Playing in Spanish?

Published on 12/30/13
Playing in Spanish

Playing the piano and singing English lyrics has been something I (Wanda) have always done and so enjoyed doing. It’s hard for me to play for congregational singing and not sing along. I love to sing! But playing the piano and singing in Spanish can be a little more challenging. I am constantly scanning ahead to read the words while playing the notes as well. It keeps me alert! Here I am playing for the Christmas program at Iglesia Bautista Calvario in Greer, SC on December 15.

Christmas Program in Greer, SC

Published on 12/30/13
Christmas Program in Greer SC

On Sunday, December 15 we participated in the Christmas program at Iglesia Bautista Calvario in Greer, SC. What a joy to assist in this church plant, to sing praises to our Savior!

Connecting and Challenging

Published on 11/30/13
Connecting and Challenging

We ministered in several colleges this fall, seeking to connect with students and challenging them to consider several ministry opportunities that we have for them in this coming year. Here Wanda is speaking in a workshop she led at Appalachian Bible College in Beckley, WV.