Having your church meet in a home means setting up about 40 chairs in the garage for the services and using the bedrooms for Sunday School rooms. It works but Iglesia Biblica la Roca in Hayward, CA are in need of more space.
Having your church meet in a home means setting up about 40 chairs in the garage for the services and using the bedrooms for Sunday School rooms. It works but Iglesia Biblica la Roca in Hayward, CA are in need of more space.
When you need a place to meet as a church, sometimes you have to be creative. Iglesia Biblica la Roca in Hayward, CA meets in the home of one of the church members. Do you see the church sign near the front door?
We recently visited one of our BCP church plants in Grover Beach, California. Here Herb and Pastor Hooi are leading a question and answer time with the church family.
While at Iglesia Bautista la Fe in Glendale, AZ, we ministered in a variety of ways – sometimes in Spanish, sometimes in English and sometimes bilingually. Both of us gave our testimonies in the teen Sunday School class and challenged them to give their all to Christ, to not lose their Spanish (what a great asset for ministry), to be content with God’s dealings in their lives and to be Courageous men and women for God.
It’s a blessing when we can continue our relationships with young people as they head off to college. We plan to keep in touch with Gracia, from Glendale, AZ, who plans to attend Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, IA this fall.
One of our greatest joys in this ministry is the privilege of building relationships with people all over this country. Getting to know Hispanics – in spite of our faltering Spanish sometimes – is a special blessing. We enjoyed visiting with the Ramos family while ministering in Glendale, AZ for several weeks.
At Iglesia Bautista la Fe in Glendale, AZ, we rejoiced to see 15 men complete their three month “Courageous Resolution” Bible study. Each sang together (you can view a video of them singing on our Facebook page – Taylor Ministries), gave a testimony and promised before their families to be faithful to the Lord and their families. This was followed by a time of testimony from their wives. It was a very special evening!
We are ministering these two weeks with the Marquez family here in Phoenix. We are excited to see how the Lord is working in His church here.