Visiting the Whitchers

Published on 03/26/13
Visiting the Whitchers

David Whitcher was the former Coordinator of Hispanic Ministries with Baptist Church Planters but due to becoming sick with carbon monoxide poisoning, he had to retire from serving in that position. We recently were able to visit with David and his wife, Melissa, in Forney, TX. We were thrilled to visit with them – rejoicing to see God’s grace sustaining them in their trial and praising the Lord for the joint burden we have for Hispanic ministries. We consider them as part of our ministry team!

Our New Prayer Card

Published on 03/26/13
Our New Prayer Card

We have new prayer cards . . . looking forward to sharing them with many so they can remember to pray for us in this ministry. We are eager to do our BEST for the Lord in all we do.

Preaching in Spanish

Published on 03/04/13
Preaching in Spanish

On Sunday, March 3 Herb preached (in Spanish) at Iglesia Bautista Calvario in Greer, SC. We pray that the Lord will use HIS Word in whatever language it is given.

Visit with family from Waterloo, Iowa

Published on 02/10/13
Visit with family from Waterloo Iowa

This weekend Chris and Emy and their children (Jasmyne, Julie, Oscar and Joshua) from Iglesia Bautista Hispana in Waterloo, IA visited with us here in Greenville, SC. We sought to be an encouragement to them during a time of important decisions in their lives. We were thrilled to see them!

Over 27 years!

Published on 01/02/13
Over 27 years

We rejoice that the Lord has given us over 27 years together to serve HIM! We are blessed.

Meeting with those interested in Hispanic Ministries

Published on 11/17/12
Meeting with those interested in Hispanic Ministries

On November 5-7 we ministered on the campus of Appalachian Bible College in Beckley, WV. Here Herb is explaining the ministry of Baptist Church Planters and especially the need of Reaching Hispanics here in the United States. We look forward to connecting with these students even more in the future. We want to encourage them to consider God’s leading in the field of Hispanic ministries.

Sharing the Burden with Students

Published on 10/24/12
Sharing the Burden with Students

Part of our ministry includes challenging churches, college students and other individuals to consider the need of “Reaching Hispanics: Our Neighbors”. Here Herb is talking to two students during the Missions Emphasis Week at Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC.

Some Free Publicity

Published on 10/24/12
Some Free Publicity

We recently participated in the Missions Emphasis Week at Bob Jones University. We were surprised when we arrived on campus and discovered that Wanda’s picture was on the front cover of the college newspaper. The picture was taken last year at the missions conference and was used to promote this year’s special week. It generated discussion on campus and it let students know that we were back this year for further challenge concerning missions in the United States.