We are constantly giving away books to Hispanic Ministry Leaders. What a joy it is when we receive some surprise donations.
We are constantly giving away books to Hispanic Ministry Leaders. What a joy it is when we receive some surprise donations.
It is our joy to seek to encourage and mentor Hispanic ministry leaders. Here we are with a local Hispanic ministry couple that we hope to encourage as we can. Though our travels mean our times together are sometimes sporadic, we will make the most of them when we can.
Often our ministry includes consulting and encouraging pastors – in Spanish and in English. And, of course, if it can be done in a Mexican restaurant that’s even better!
During 2020 we connected with all of our supporters – some via video calls – and a number with in-person visits. Both are great but definitely, in-person is best.
We are truly grateful for so many gracious ministry partners in our lives! They certainly make it possible for us to continue to serve. We appreciated being able to visit with these partners and friends in Tampa, FL!!
It is our joy to invite college students to our home for refreshment (“walking tacos”), fun and fellowship. And if we can encourage them in their ministry focus for the future, that’s even better! Here we are enjoying a “get-to-know you” game for the evening!
It was a joy to minister at one of our supporting churches, Beacon Baptist Church in Burlington, NC. We are truly blessed to have them and others who faithfully support this ministry!
We are so grateful for our sending church, Skyline Baptist Church in Front Royal, VA. We ministered there with them for 8 1/2 years and when we began to serve in January 2010 in Hispanic ministries with Baptist Church Planters they became our sending church for this ministry. We are grateful for Pastor and Mrs. Randy DeSantis and the church family. Here we are giving a report to the church family in the fall of 2020. They have certainly been faithful ministry partners and encouragers!